Rigol Technologies has added a VNA option (Vector Network Analyzer) to its real-time spectrum analyzers series
The RSA5000N and RSA3000N series now have the integrated VNA function as standard and are available in different bandwidths from 9 kHz to 1.5 GHz and up to 6.5 GHz.
The VNA module fulfills all standard tasks for network analysis, such as measurement of the vectorial reflection (S11) and transmission factor (S21), as well as the implementation in the time range for distance error measurement [DTF], for example on cables. The dynamic range of the S21 measurement is <80 dB (nom.), while the directional attenuation of the internal coupler is <40 dB (nom.). The measurement bandwidth can be set in 1-3-10 steps between 1 kHz to 10 MHz.
Different windowing can be used for the DTF measurement. For a very precise determination of the distance of reflections, different parameters of the measurement object such as the shortening factor [Velocity Factor], cable attenuation and cable length can be entered. With up to 10,000 data points and up to eight markers, complex measuring tasks can be solved comfortably. RIGOL offers two different calibration kits: the high-precision CK106A and the low-cost calibration kit CK106E.
This function can also be set very easy and convenient. The measurement S11 can be represented as a Smith and polar diagram, phase and group delay, reflection factor and SWR, and much more. With the S21 and the DTF measurement, linear and logarithmic transmission loss, phase and group delay can be represented.
The modular RSA5000N and RSA3000N series also include four function modules for RTSA (real-time spectrum analyzer up to a maximum bandwidth of 40 MHz), GPSA (sweep-based spectrum analyzer with outstanding performance), EMI (pre-compliance tests according to CISPR specifications) and VSA (vector signal analysis for different digital demodulation and bit error measurement, on the RSA5000N).
Real-time spectrum analyzers are used in many test laboratories. The extended basic performance series RSA5000N or RSA3000N is a cost-effective alternative for users with demanding analysis tasks and at the same time limited budgets. This fully equipped instrument features fully digital IF technology (Intermediate Frequency) for accurate and high-resolution measurements across the entire frequency range from 9 kHz to 6.5 GHz.
The instruments have a capacitive 10.1”multi-touch display with 1024×600 pixel resolution and receive their input signals via a 50 Ω type N socket. Connections to a PC are possible via Ethernet LAN and USB. The tracking generator of the two series can be set and used in GPSA and VNA modes from -40 to 0 dBm output power. The devices can also be operated via web control and have filters with 3 dB bandwidth resolution (RBW) as well as video bandwidth filters (VBW), which can be set from 1 Hz to 10 MHz in 1-3-10 steps. The EMI mode also offers 6 dB filters up to 1 MHz as well as the QP and CISPR-AV detectors.
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